Founded in 1967 by a group of enthusiasts, the Club Bugatti France has an average of 300 members, spread all over the world, although the majority of them are in France. It brings together admirers of the creations and automobiles of Ettore Bugatti, and of his Brand which lasted from 1909 to 1951, but also admirers of the works of his son Jean, who designed emblematic models of the brand and who played an important role in the factory, as well as connoisseurs of the works of Ettore's father, Carlo, a famous cabinetmaker, and his brother Rembrandt, an animal sculptor.

The Bugatti Club France is not an elitist Club, even if Bugattis were, in their time, automobiles reserved for a small number, and even if they remain exceptional objects. Bringing together members from all professional backgrounds, the Club is open to all those who are passionate about the Brand and admirers of the life of Ettore Bugatti, whether or not they own a Bugatti.
The Club is particularly attentive to young people who share this passion, an essential element to perpetuate the Love of these legendary cars, and to preserve them. The atmosphere is friendly, welcoming and relaxed. The old ones sympathetically pass on their knowledge and experience. The Bugatti Club France is the ideal place if you are looking for information, advice and help to restore, maintain and drive your Bugatti, or to buy your first Bugatti!

Perpetuate the creative genius of Ettore Bugatti, and develop the historical heritage of the Brand.
To develop contacts between collectors around the world, and help them restore, maintain and run their Bugattis.
Promote historical research on Bugatti and its dissemination.
Organize meetings and car outings, in particular to introduce and appreciate Bugattis to a wide audience, particularly young people.
The Bugatti Club, run solely by volunteers, organizes several rallies or gatherings each year reserved for vintage Bugattis. It also participates in friendly rallies and track races involving other makes of vintage cars, as well as in major events of foreign Bugatti Clubs.
He regularly organises the International Bugatti Rally in our region, bringing together around a hundred Bugattis from all over the world.
The CBF is present every year at the Salon Rétromobile, in Paris, Porte de Versailles, and at the Epoquauto show, in Lyon. It welcomes all fans of the Brand to its stand. As far as possible, the Club tries to participate in other regional shows. It organizes a monthly dinner in Paris.