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The annual fee remains at €80 (€100 for a Couple Card, €40 for those under 30, and €15 for those under 18). The Bugatti Club France stands out for its vitality and the exceptional Bugatti cars, driven by your passion. Your commitment, during outings, rallies, Bugatti plateaus or meetings on our stands at Rétromobile and Époqu'Auto, brings this unique spirit to life.

Trouvez la cotisation qui vous convient
15€-18 ansValid for 12 monthsCotisation -30 ans
40€Il faut avoir -30 ansValid for 12 months- Best Value
80€La cotisation à choisir si vous avez 30 ans et +Valid for 12 months Cotisation couple
100€Idéal pour nous rejoindre à deux !Valid for 12 months

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